What the Fans Said The Professors rocked the halls of academe. Next year they should be given a plenary session. -- Prof. Dennis Mumby, Purdue University Introducing The Professors, I thought how Ed Sullivan must have felt introducing Elvis. -- Prof. Joseph Turow, University of Pennsylvania It was good for my soul. It showed me that professors can rock out and we don't have to be nerds all the time. -- Mike McDevitt, Graduate Student, Stanford University The Professor's pulsating rhythms combined with their raw sexuality totally overcame me. I will never be the same. -- A recent convert The Professors' driving melange of styles from Gdansk, Nottingham, and Berkeley remains unique in the history of music. -- Ralph J. Gleason, San Francisco Chronicle The Professors embody my theory, my ouevre. -- Thorsten Veblen You guys were GREAT. Everyone said so. What I heard was fantastic. -- Eric Eisenberg, Organizational Communication Division Chair, ICA

This page last updated March 22, 2002 by Gary Radford. Many thanks to Kurt Wagner, Marie Radford, and Jon Oliver.