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I should not like my writing to spare other people the trouble of thinking. But, if possible, to stimulate someone to thoughts of his own - Ludwig Wittgenstein

If I had to write a book to communicate what I'm already thinking before I begin to write, I would never have the courage to begin. I write a book only because I still don't exactly know what to think about this thing I want so much to think about, so that the book transforms me and transforms what I think - Michel Foucault


Radford, M. L. and Radford, G. P. (2017). Library conversations: Reclaiming interpersonal communication theory for understanding professional encounters. Chicago, IL: ALA-Neal Schuman.

Radford, G. P. (2005). On the philosophy of communication. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Radford, G. P. (2003). On Eco. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

Huspek, M. and Radford, G. P. (1997). Transgressing discourses: Communication and the voice of other. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Radford, G. P. and Ruben, B. D. (1988). Instructor's manual: Communication and human behavior (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Macmillan.

Articles in Refereed Journals and Publications

Radford, M.L., Kitzie, V., Mikitsh, S., Floegel, D., Radford, G. P., & Connaway, L.S. (2020). "People are reading your work": Scholarly identity and social networking sites. Journal of Documentation, 76(6), 1233-1260.

Radford, G. P. (2019). "Torture is putting it too strongly, boredom is putting it too mildly": The courage to tell the truth in the late lectures of Michel Foucault. Human Studies, 42(3), 407-423.

Radford, G. P., Radford, M. L., and Lingel, J. (2018). Transformative spaces: The library as panopticon. In G. Chowdhury, J. McLeod, V. Gillet, and P. Willett (Eds.), Transforming Digital Worlds (pp. 648-692). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Radford, G. P. (2017). The mysterious flame of Umberto Eco.. In Torkild Thellefsen and Bent Sorensen (Eds.), Umberto Eco in His Own Words (pp. 301-308). Berlin, Germany :De Gruyter Mouton

Radford, G. P., Radford, M. L., and Alpert, M. (2015). Slavoj Zizek, Rex Libris, and the traumatic Real: Representations of the library and the librarian in a modern comic book series. Journal of Documentation, 71(4), 733-751.

Radford, G. P., Radford, M. L., and Lingel, J. (2015). The library as heterotopia: Michel Foucault and the experience of library space. Journal of Documentation, 71(6), 1265-1288.

Radford, G. P. and Langer, C. I. (2013). Safety in the workplace and the role of the internal communicator. VISTAS: Education, Economy and Community, 3, 56-67.

Radford, G. P.(2012). Public relations in a postmodern world. Public Relations Inquiry, 1(1), 49-67.

Radford, G. P, Radford, M. L., & Lingel, J. (2012). Alternative libraries as discursive formations: Reclaiming the voice of the deaccssioned book. Journal of Documentation, 68(2), 254-267.

Radford, M. L., Radford, G. P., Connaway, L. S., & DeAngelis, J. A. (2011). On virtual face-work:An ethnography of communication approach to a live chat reference interaction. The Library Quarterly, 81(4), 431-453.

Radford, G. P. & Radford, M. L. (2005). Structuralism,post-structuralism, and the library: de Saussure and Foucault. Journal of Documentation, 61(1), 60-78.

Radford, G. P. (2003). Trapped in our own discursive formations: Toward an archaeology of Library and Information Science. The Library Quarterly, 73(1), 1-18.

Radford, M. L. & Radford, G. P. (2003). Librarians and party girls: Cultural studies and the meaning of the librarian. The Library Quarterly, 73(1), 54-69.

Radford, G. P. & Goldstein, S. Z. (2002). The role of research methods in corporate communication. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 7(4), 252-256.

Radford, G. P., Cooper, S. D., Kubey, R. W., McCurry, D. S., Millen, J. and Barrows, J. R. (2002). Collaborative musical expression and creativity among academics: When intellectualism meets twelve bar blues. American Communication Journal [Online], 6(1).

Radford, G. P. and Radford, M. L. (2001). Libraries, librarians, and the discourse of fear. The Library Quarterly, 71(3), 299-329

Radford, G. P. (2001). Subliminal persuasion. In R. B. Browne and P. Browne (Eds.), The guide to United States popular culture (pp. 797-798). Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press.

Radford, G. P. (2000). Conversations, conferences, and the practice of intellectual discussion. Human Studies: A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences, 23(3), 211-255.

Radford, G. P. (1998). Flaubert, Foucault, and the bibliotheque fantastique: Toward a postmodern epistemology for library science. Library Trends, 46(4), 616-634.

Ciliberti, A., Radford, M. L., Radford, G. P., and Ballard, T.(1998). Empty handed? A material availability study plus transaction log analysis verification. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 24(4), 282-289.

Radford, G. P. and Budd, J. M. (1997). We do need a philosophy of Library and Information Science, we're not confused enough: A response to Zwadlo. The Library Quarterly, 67(3), 315-321.

Radford, M. L. and Radford, G. P. (1997). Power, knowledge, and fear: Feminism, Foucault, and the stereotype of the female librarian. The Library Quarterly, 67(3), 250-266.

Radford, G. P. (1997). Foucault inserted: Philosophy, struggle, and transgression. In M. Huspek and G. P. Radford (Eds.),Transgressing discourses: Communication and the voice of other. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Radford, G. P. (1997). Science, the voice of other, and Kant's foggy island of truth. In M. Huspek and G. P. Radford (Eds.), Transgressing discourses: Communication and the voice of other. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Radford, G. P., Morganstern, B. F., McMickle, C. W., and Lehr, J. K. (1994). The impact of four conferencing formats on the efficiency and quality of small group decision making in a laboratory experiment setting. Telematics and Informatics, 11(2), 97-109.

Radford, G. P. (1993). A Foucauldian perspective of the relationship between communication and information. In J. R. Schement and B. D. Ruben (Eds.), Between Communication and Information. Information and Behavior: Volume 4 (pp. 115-135). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.

Radford, G. P. (1992). Positivism, Foucault, and the fantasia of the library: Conceptions of knowledge and the modern library experience. The Library Quarterly, 62(4), 408-424.

Anderson, J. D. and Radford, G. P. (1988). Back of the book indexing using the Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS). The Indexer, 16(2), 79-84.

Articles Published in Juried Conference Proceedings

Radford, G. P. & Goldstein, S. Z. (2002). The role of research methods in corporate communication. In G. P. Radford (Ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Corporate Communication 2002: Communication Renewal. Madison, NJ: Corporate Communication Institute at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Radford, G. P. (1995). Characterizing the modern library experience: Rationality or fantasia? In R. AmRhein (Ed.), Continuity and Transformation: The Promise of Confluence. Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the Asociation of College and Research Libraries (pp. 335-340). Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

This page last updated March 16, 2021.