Photograph by Nick Romanenko
Larry's musical career began in Albany, NY's public school #19 where he began on the plastic
flute. From this gateway he went on to abuse recorders and clarinets and eventually saxophones.
Unaware that the saxophone was a transposing instrument led to garage band failures and an unfortunate
and prolonged break from playing. Imagine not knowing your alto is an Eb instrument! This 35 year hiatus
was finally broken with his reading, and discovery, of music theory, coupled with a close friend
dropping an alto on his desk. His comment was simple: "Break time is over". Since then Larry has dabbled
with the alto, tenor and soprano saxophones. Truly a late bloomer.
At a breakfast where Rutgers University bestowed an honorary doctorate of arts on Sonny Rollins
Larry was advised by this saxophone colossus to "... just keep blowin', man". So, this advice has been followed
with gusto. Solo stints on jazz classics and a guest appearance with the short-lived Last Minute Band followed.