What the Fans Said This was absolutely wonderful to have you here, first of all, because we have been talking about change all day. So to have a change of pace for the evening after our meal was very, very nice. We really appreciate you coming. The other thing that I think is really important here is the fact that this is a collaboration. You've got students, both graduate and undergraduate; you've got faculty; you've got academic staff. We have to realize that we are a community and that it's not any one of us, any one sector of us, that makes this thing go. I really congratulate you on getting together and bringing an art form to us. You've helped us to see how collaboration, cooperation, and communication really works to help bring something to life that wouldn't have had a life without you all thinking about this and working together to do it. The other thing is that you sang about change, you sang about nothingness, you sang about biotechnology. We are all thinking about these things, they're on our agenda and our radar screens. Again, I want to thank you for helping make our conference, our jobs, and especially this evening go a little bit smoother, and to bring some real entertainment into our lives. Thank you very much. -- Dean Daryl B. Lund, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York We all really enjoyed the Professors show. You have a great sound and a wonderful way of connecting with the audience. Sonja is indeed magical -- her voice most alluring and her personality delightful. Even though John Gorka's song was the first, I found myself humming it all weekend. I particularly enjoyed the harp and the modified lyrics. Speaking of lyrics, please see if Marie and Gary would be willing to post the lyrics for the Untenured Blues -- those lyrics are true and generalizable enough, unfortunately, that they speak to institutions beyond the songwriters' experience. Not only did I hear rave reviews from nearly everyone who was present at the dinner on Thursday, on Friday morning I also got compliments from the hotel staff on your performance. We feel really lucky that you were able to join us for this occasion. I know that several people left thinking about future events at which to invite The Professors. If you do cut a CD, please let us know. When I create a webpage for the conference, I will make a link to The Professors' page. Please convey to the group and roadie a great big thank you from the Mid-Atlantic Consortium's Leadership Initiative. It was a lot of fun. Thanks again. -- Kristen Grace, Project Coordinator, The Mid-Atlantic Consortium Leadership for Institutional Change Initiative, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

This page last updated March 22, 2002 by Gary Radford. Many thanks to Kurt Wagner, Marie Radford, and Jon Oliver.