The 46th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association
Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers, Chicago, IL, May 25, 1996
Robert Kubey recounts the intersection of music and academia at the
Annual Conference of the International Communication Association.
After announcing their retirement at their Farewell Gig in July 1995, The Professors shock the music world by reforming to play their
infamous Reunion Gig at the Annual Conference
of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL, to incredible reviews.
J made her premiere as lead singer with the band with an incredible rendition of "Five Long Years" which left the crowd stunned, and then shouting
for more. Craig Brown made a superlative guest appearance on drums. Not only do the The Professors return to the stage and the limelights, they also debut two original songs -
Unabomber (T-ski) and The Bottle
(Radford/Marshall). The band also premiere the
original John Lennon/Luthor
Allison fusion, Crippled Inside.
While in the Windy
City, The Professors also had time to make their first studio recordings at
Dress Rehearsals Studio, West Hubbard
Street, Chicago.
A YouTube Playlist of all the songs performed in Chicago Videography by Marie Radford
The Professors rocked the halls of academe.
Next year they should be given a
plenary session. Prof. Dennis Mumby,
Purdue University
Introducing The Professors, I thought how
Ed Sullivan must have felt introducing
Elvis. Prof. Joseph Turow, University of
It was good for my soul. It showed me that
professors can rock out and we don't
have to be nerds all the time. Mike McDevitt,
Graduate Student, Stanford University
The Professor's pulsating rhythms combined
with their raw sexuality totally
overcame me. I will never be the same. A
recent convert
The Professors' driving melange of styles
from Gdansk, Nottingham, and Berkeley
remains unique in the history of music. Ralph
J. Gleason, San Francisco Chronicle
The Professors embody my theory,
my ouevre. Thorsten Veblen
You guys were GREAT. Everyone said so.
What I heard was fantastic. Eric
Eisenberg, Organizational Communication
Division Chair, ICA
This page last updated December 4, 2020 by
Gary Radford.
Many thanks to Kurt
Wagner, Marie Radford, and Jon Oliver.