The Bottle Hill Pub, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, December 11, 2009

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Nick Romanenko - Bass Guitar/Vocals
Meg Radford - Guitar/Vocals
Gary Radford - Guitar/Vocals
Peter VanEmburg - Drums/Vocals
Marie Radford - Keyboards


Jennifer Zahorbenski - Vocals

Click here to watch a YouTube Playlist of the whole show.
Videography by Kevin Wojtaszek


Note: The date following each song indicates the date when The Professors first performed this song, either in concert or at a practice session.
  1. Dreading the Dawning (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (March 21, 1998)

  2. Peer Review (John Barrows) (May 7, 1999)

  3. Crisis of Confidence (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (October 2, 1999)

  4. Phaseone (Meg Radford) (February 29, 2008)

  5. The Thing About Christmas (Meg Radford) (October 3, 2008) **

  6. Untenured Blues (Gary Radford/Marie Radford) (May 9, 1998)

  7. Could I Be (Meg Radford) (February 13, 2009)

  8. Not So Brown Eyed Boy (Meg Radford) (April 3, 2009)

  9. Sunday Night at Kenny's (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (December 18, 1998)

  10. Cold Snap (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (October 15, 1999)

  11. The Last Wasted Hour (John Barrows) (December 17, 2004)

  12. Discourse (Gary Radford/Michel Foucault) (February 13, 2009) **

  13. Generations (Peter VanEmburg/Gary Radford) (July 1, 2005)

  14. Christie, Are You Out There? (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (September 17, 1999)

  15. False Positive (John Barrows/Chad Dell) (February 2, 2001)

  16. Last Night (Gary Radford/Nick Romanenko) (August 31, 2007)

  17. Old Devils Running (John Barrows/Mark Wallinger) (February 6, 2004)

  18. The Babysitter Blues (Peter VanEmburg/Gary Radford/Nick Romanenko) (November 12, 2005)

  19. Run Away With Me (John Barrows/Gary Radford/Peter VanEmburg) (December 18, 1998)

  20. A Geek's Life (Peter VanEmburg/Gary Radford/Nick Romanenko) (November 4, 2005)

  21. Nobody Likes Happy Songs (John Barrows/Gary Radford) (October 22, 1999)

  22. It's a Song (John Barrows/Gary Radford/Chad Dell) (September 17, 1999) **

** = Debut Song

This page last updated March 20, 2020 by Gary Radford.
Many thanks to Kurt Wagner, Marie Radford, and Jon Oliver.